01 Apr Italy Cufflinks
Italian Lire Cufflinks.These Italian cufflinks are made using the old Italy 10 lire coins. These coins are no longer in circulation since Italy switched to the Euro in 2002
The lira ultimately dates back to Charlemagne. Like the pound sterling, it represented one pound weight of silver, and was equal to 20 soldi or 240 denari. Before unification, many of the Italian states used the lira as their currency.
In 1807, the Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy (occupying the north of the current state) introduced the lira as its currency. Equal to the French franc, it was divided into 20 soldi or 100 centesimi. The lira circulated until 1814 when the kingdom was divided up into smaller states.
Upon the creation of the Kingdom of Italy under Vittorio Emanuele II (1861), a unified lira was established, at 4.5 grams of silver or 290.322 milligrams of gold. This was a direct continuation of the Sardinian lira. Other currencies replaced by the Italian lira included the Lombardy-Venetia pound, the Two Sicilies piastra, the Tuscan fiorino, the Papal States scudo and the Parman lira.