30 Aug Cufflinks Update
Updated 30th August
We just wanted to give you an update on our Cufflinks business. We last wrote in November and have been very busy since then. At the end of November we appeared on Irish Television on TV3, they had a section on emerging businesses and we were lucky enough to be asked on. It was a new experience finding ourselves in a TV studio at 6.00am to get ready for live TV.
The reception from the audience and from the TV presenters was fantastic, and a big Thank You for all the team who interviewed us.
We were very busy, and after that we were busy processing our orders sending them out to the US, Canada, Australia, UK and Ireland. We ship world wide but they were the main Countries.
In December, the Irish Times featured our Cufflinks. The magazine wrote about our new Irish Pendents.
Coining it
‘First there were the cufflinks, now you can get necklaces made with old Irish coins – specifically a pendant with a penny coin from 1968.
The images on this particular coin were chose by WB Yeats, when he was chairman of the Irish Coin Committee in 1928, and the pennies were in circulation for 60 years. The limited edition pendants have been made by jewellery designer Maura Reynolds, from a cache of mint coins, and they’re available from worldcoincufflinks.com(€95)’
It is great to see the Irish Times supporting local businesses and we really appreciate the feedback on our Cufflinks and Pendents.
We also featured in the Irish Independent and the Irish examiner, and for the month of January and February the nice people in ‘Ireland of the Welcomes have written about our Cufflinks
Although we make Cufflinks from 20 Countries as we are based in Ireland, we tend to get lots of local media coverage.
2016 is going to be a very interesting year if the last few years are anything to go by.
Last March, the Assistant Vice President of America, Joe Biden received a set of our 1942 Sixpence Cufflinks which was the year he was born. The Cufflinks were given to him by the Taoiseach when he was in Washington. We would love to be asked to make a set for President Obama and the fact he will be in office for 4 more years, we are optimistic that it might happen. You have to be positive these days ! Thanks for reading our blog and supporting our small but growing business.
All the World Coin Cufflinks Team.